Prince Aidan gets his first haircut

My little grandson, Aidan, got his first haircut. His long, flowing, curls are very familiar. As a matter of fact, his mother had the very same ones. They were a source of a constant battle between us.

Mainly, it was because I am just not a hair person. I had to chase the poor little girl, then try to lasso that hair into some kind of shape. It did not want to cooperate. In the meantime, when I combed or brushed it, the poor child would sincerely cry. Maybe it was because she was in pain.

When she got her first haircut her oldest sister was delighted. “Does this mean she’ll lose her curls?” she asked with a hopeful look on her face.

I could hardly blame her. After all, people for some reason, go crazy happy when they see curls on a small child. So, my poor oldest daughter had to give up a lot of attention to her little sister. Luckily, she is not an envious person, and her little sister could not have asked for a more devoted, loving sister. (Even to this very day.)

Little did my oldest daughter know that her job for many years was going to be that of curl tamer. Luckily, for my younger daughter, the oldest sister is good at a lot of things. One of her many talents is having a way with hair. Specifically, she did her sister’s hair in many ways. She disciplined it, ironed it, straightened it, put it up in french braids, and just controlled it.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like her curls. (Since I am no longer in charge of them.) She has learned over the years how to present them in the best way. People still gush over her hairstyle.

Back to my grandson’s first haircut

So, finally Aidan’s parents took the initiative to get his hair cut. They took him to a cutesy kiddie place, “The Cookie Cutter.” Someone had the ingenious idea to put kids on toy vehicles that are quite cool.

Aidan was on a police car when we got to the salon. (My father was a policeman so this slightly freaked me out. After all, he could have been driving a host of other vehicles, fire engines, race cars, etc. Nothing like seeing my grandchild on a car that says, “To protect and Serve”)

Aidan who is not that much of a crybaby was not pleased. He was crying in a little way. Nothing compared to the kid next to him who was wailing.

The poor hairdresser had to contend with 3 grandparents, me, my husband and Aidan’s other grandma. We were all taking pictures. If love and kisses were worth actual money, this child would easily be a millionaire.

So, the hairdresser got those curls to cooperate. She gently combed and skillfully cut them.  He looked very handsome when she was done. IMG_2301.JPG

The best part of the whole thing was watching him try to drive his little car afterwards. I guess he figured it was worth going through all the trauma to drive that cool police car. It choked this grandma up.