Grandson is 9 months old today

Tomorrow is my son-in-law’s birthday, so my daughter wanted us to babysit.

I haven’t see him for 2 weeks, and I can’t believe how he’s grown. He is moving around more, and it won’t be long before he’s investigating more and more.

When you have your own children, sometimes you are really looking forward to them being more independent. I notice a difference with this one. I am savoring each minute of his babyhood.

I did tell him Prince George was already crawling, and he’s younger than him by a few weeks. He didn’t seem to mind. I’m trying to remember when my own kids went through stages, but I honestly can’t remember. I guess I was just too busy sorting out all the baby socks, and running from point a to b.

Tonight, he fell asleep on my shoulder. There’s no better feeling for me than a child sleeping on me. I feel so content and happy when this happens. It’s a very maternal feeling.

I reluctantly put him in his own crib, but I figured he would be more comfortable in there.

Life goes on and on, and you can’t really put the pause button on it; that only happens in the movies.

Only 3 months till he’s one!


Taking my grandson to The Columbus Zoo’s Wildlights

Cover of "Goodnight Moon"

Cover of Goodnight Moon

I love my new grandson.  So do a lot of people.  This is the first grandchild on both sides of the family.

This kid has one huge following. I don’t think King George himself gets more attention.

Ever since he was born, we’ve all been clamoring for his attention. He’s already used to flashing cameras, and face time on the I-phone and I-Pad .  We all want him to adore each of us.  It doesn’t hurt that he is smiley, and pretty good-natured.  I’ve been excited about him since my son-in-law and daughter showed us that first ultrasound. He looked as big as a small tadpole. But, we fell in love with the idea of being grandma and grandpa right there and then. It was almost as exciting as finding out about the upcoming birth of your own kids.

The baby is now 6 months old, and is getting more interesting. Yesterday, we went along when they took him to the Columbus Zoo to see the Christmas lights. It was an elaborate display, and it was more crowded than usual.  My husband drove, and it took us an hour to drive 3 miles. Under ordinary circumstances, my husband would’ve turned the car around at the first opportunity and leave. (Neither of us have the patience for traffic.) But, we were with my daughter, and son-in-law, and our little prince. He didn’t mind the traffic. He took the opportunity to take a nap.

We finally got in the zoo. There were virtually a million or so lights on the grounds, maybe more. I looked at the baby’s reaction. He kept staring at his parents while they were strolling. He did take a look at all the lights, but who knew what he was thinking. He doesn’t talk yet.  We all kept looking at him. No wonder he was staring at all of us!

They had a big musical show, and the Christmas trees twinkled to music. My husband was so excited to show it to him. He did look straight ahead, and seemed somewhat interested. I couldn’t really tell.  My husband sure was animated, showing him the lights.

We finally went home, and his parents got him out of the crazy car seat they have these days. His mother took him into his bedroom, laid him on his changing table, and he spotted us. Suddenly, a look of some kind of recognition came across his face, and he smiled his sweet, big smile. Then she put him in his bed, and read “Goodnight Moon” to him like she does every night. He sure reacted to that. He was smiling and cooing all over the place.

She laid him in his crib and he kicked his feet with glee and happiness.  I think this is the reaction I was hoping to see at the zoo. But, I took this reaction instead. It was priceless.